Share Subscription
For only $4.99 per month user can: Advertise: Make money thru worldwide listing for any item or event: add pictures, video and custom requirements; Get Paid: Connect with Customers and receive payments using your preferred payment platform; Generate a Self Serve Kiosk: Allow customers to review calendar availability on your item and make reservations; Set the rules and keep it Legit: Customize provided rental template to fit your item; Managed invitation or attendance: Create list of approved attendees for any location using email or ID#; Keep the unwanted out and allow members in: Revoke and approve access with your phone; Reporting: Generate a report of access requests for billing
The LynkD QuickLock pairs perfectly with the LynkD mobile application and desktop platform​. Get rapid access, data analytics, and device history.
QuickBolt Oil Bronze
Easily control who has access to your home, garage, business, or rental facility.
QuickBolt Satin Nickel
Home, rental, or business friendly. Easily control who has access to your home, garage, business, or rental facility.
Easily control who has access to your bedroom, storage room, conference room, or office. The DoorLock is a great solution for Airbnb or VRBO hosts attempting to manage access to their personal spaces.
Mobile Security, Truly.​ The Wi-Fi enabled AlertLock can be unlocked via Bluetooth and RFID's (fobs/cards). Setup is as simple. Remotely assign/revoke access to users through the LynkD Portal. Be in the Know with instant alerts.​
LynkD RFID cards provide a simple solution for you to keep track of who is accessing your devices.
RFID Key Fob
LynkD RFID fob's provide a simple solution for you to keep track of who is accessing your devices.
Business Subscription
Purchase of a monthly software license will allow management of user access to LynkD devices using Bluetooth, keypad and RFID. The software also provides a real time access log and admin change log reports. Note: Only one software license is required per customer. Enterprise pricing is available when hundreds of devices and users are required for your system. LynkD makes managing hundreds of devices easy.